A Journey Guided by God – Part 1

“You scrutinise my path and my lying down, And You are intimately acquainted with all my ways.” – Psalm 139:3 (AMP)

My experiences in life have helped me to become a positive believer in the omnipresence of God. I am convinced that He guided every stage of my development.

After nine years of marriage, my mother became pregnant. Not expecting such a situation, she drank purgatives. In a dream, she saw an angel bringing a baby in a basket to her. As she was about to reach for the child, she was told that the baby must be taken back to God. A few months later, I was born. 

When I reflect on my childhood and how God orchestrated my progress, I am reminded of the life of Moses. My mother was a seamstress, and my father, a carpenter. I believe the plan God had for my life required me to acquire a specific type of education that my parents could not have afforded. My mother, I believe, was directed by God to send me to live with my godparents. My father disagreed. However, because it was a divine intervention, I was eventually released to go. God never ceases to be amazing! I was sent to a Private School for children of British parents, working in strategic positions in ‘British Guiana’. 

During my years at this institution, between ages eight and twelve, I was taught valuable lessons by God that have helped to guide my relationships with people of any ethnicity. I was exposed to situations and overheard conversations that taught me that no one race is superior. Sounds impossible? It is not. This is my testimony, and that is why I have learnt to be very careful and intentional about what I say and do when interacting with children.

My life is one big testimony of God’s grace and mercy, as I was guided by God. I know we can all achieve good success if we decide to put others above our own selfish desires. Try it, and let’s see what tomorrow brings.

Read: Psalm 139:5; Acts 17:27
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 80:8-19; Acts 24; 2 Kings 10; 2 Kings 11

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