A Journey Guided by God – Part 2

“This also comes from the Lord of hosts, Who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance.” – Isaiah 28:29 (NKJV)

As my purpose continued to unfold, and after writing ‘Common Entrance’ examinations, I was expected to attend a High School managed by Catholics. I was given some of the texts that I was expected to use on entry. Upon reading one of the religious texts, I began to cry. I didn’t understand everything; I just knew that I did not want to attend that school, but I did not express my feelings to anyone. 

That particular year, the Catholic Body raised objections to non-Catholics attending their schools. This move afforded me the opportunity to attend one of the best High Schools at that time in our country’s history. This exposure caused me to interact with students and teachers who displayed positive social graces that helped to mould me. 

After graduating from that institution, my godfather insisted that the ‘safest profession’ was Teaching. I complied, and after a measure of success, I was introduced to my next move. There was a call for local young people to enter The Government Training College for teachers. My Headteacher selected me. I did not know what was best for me, but God did. This was definitely God’s purpose for my life. I remained and successfully moved through the ranks to the top. 

Friends, I have seen God’s grace, goodness, and mercy manifested. I am truly grateful that God was and still is intimately acquainted with all my ways. The road was not always smooth, but because of purpose, I was able to navigate safely through all the rough terrain, climb the mountains, and cross the rough waters.

Although I did not know God as my Father and Jesus as my Saviour at that time, I understand now that He cares for me. I am assured that He does not look at your beginning, social status, or your family. He looks at your heart and the purpose attached to your life. His purpose will be fulfilled in spite of obstacles that may appear. Let us trust Him, heed His call, and enjoy His blessings on our journey.


God, we know that You are the One true living God. Your love for mankind is unbelievable and surely given unconditionally. We can place our lives in Your hands, knowing that all is well. Lord, help us to yield to Your guidance and accept Your resources so that our lives would be filled with success after success. Take all the praise, honour, and glory for being Jehovah Jireh. Amen.

Read: Job 34:21; Psalm 32:8

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 81:1-7; Acts 25:1-22; 2 Kings 12; 2 Kings 13; 2 Kings 14:1-22 

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