A Journey Guided by God –  Part 3

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV)

I am prompted to share my spiritual journey because I know God’s Word is Truth. 

My mother shared with me and my siblings that reading the entire Bible was done by her from the time she knew she was pregnant. I have carefully observed our progress in life and can say that her godly habit had an impact on us. We can testify that no matter how far we may have moved away from God’s path, at some point, we returned to the place of submission to His will. 

From childhood to our teenage years, we were churched in the Presbyterian body. While still a teenager, a friend who attended First Assembly Of God Wortmanville church invited me to a Christ Ambassadors’ session. I felt the difference immediately. I desired to be a part of what I had experienced. I reported my desire to my caregivers but was told that I could not return to any of the sessions. From that time, I seemed to be engaged in a spiritual battle.

A few months later, I met missionaries who came on the invitation of the Presbyterian body. Young people were taught how to engage children in spiritual activities during their vacation period. The idea excited me, and I was prompted to work with children who attended the Sunday School. During that period of our country’s history, we were facing a food crisis. However, the church received food hampers from overseas donors, and with my financial resources and the help of my mother, we were able to provide snacks. The work and service were fulfilling.

I, however, had not accepted Christ as my Saviour as yet; therefore, the battle in my mind continued. It was then that God used an adverse situation to get me out of the clutches of my caregivers. At this point, I returned to my parents. And I know God took a firm hold of me then. I was invited to a crusade conducted by a Pentecostal Church. On the penultimate night, I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour. This was my introduction to Pentecostal teaching. I was introduced to biblical principles that I was not aware were in the Bible. My life at that time resembled a race against time. It seemed as if God had been waiting like the Prodigal son’s father for my homecoming. I was baptised in water and shortly after with the Holy Ghost.

Brethren, God is always faithful, and He will give us every opportunity to fulfil our purpose on this earth. We need to recognise it and grab that opportunity to become His witnesses. He works through us. Are you willing? Are you ready?

Read: Psalm 32:7; 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 16:18-27; Acts 25:23-27; Acts 26:1-23; 2 Kings 14:23-29; 2 Kings 15

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