A Little Compassion Goes a Long Way

“When he [Jesus] saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” – Matthew 9:36 (NLT)

Compassion is a word few people talk about and even fewer understand, yet the Bible has mentioned this word more than one hundred times! Compassion was and still is a distinctive feature in the life and ministry of Jesus. Through His compassion, Jesus reached very many. How do we reach people?  

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines compassion as “a sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.” Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology explains compassion as a form of love that is aroused by the suffering or vulnerability of others and leads to acts of kindness and mercy. Compassion can be simply explained as love in action. Do we have love? Do we put our love into action?

The Bible shows us that Jesus’ ministry was two-fold. He announced the Good News about the Kingdom of God, and He served many through His compassion. Jesus was moved with compassion because He saw that people were confused, helpless, and like sheep without a shepherd. He was moved with compassion because He saw that people were sick (Matthew 14:14), blind (Matthew 20:34), and had suffered loss (Luke 7:11-15). Jesus even gave up His alone time to minister to people in need (Matthew 14:13-14). Jesus’ compassion had no bounds!

How do we attempt to reach people? How can they be redeemed? Do we just give them a Bible verse, or share a testimony? Is our ministry to the lost shaped and driven by compassion? Too many times we try to reach people with the Gospel but fail because of our lack of compassion. Let’s re-examine our lives. Let’s come to a place where we understand the suffering and vulnerability of people, and reach them with acts of love, kindness, and mercy. People followed Jesus because of His compassion. Let’s follow Jesus’ example. A little compassion does go a long way. 


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your compassion and the example Jesus set. Please give us a heart of compassion so that we may reach people for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Lamentations 3:22-23; Mark 1:40-45
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 90:1-10; Romans 15:14-33; I Chronicles 12:23-40; I Chronicles 13; I Chronicles 14

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