A True Friend Indeed

“Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed…When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”

Mark 2:3-5

The account in the above Scripture reminds me of my own encounter with Jesus. It was June 2005 that I went to the altar and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. That has been the most pivotal moment of my existence and I would trade it for nothing.

One person I would never forget in my journey is my Christian friend and work colleague, Suzanne Dornellus. She was one of the persons with whom I wanted to share my experience about Jesus, I don’t remember our entire conversation but I do remember one statement she made, “I was praying for you”. At that moment I reflected on the many times she would gently utter to me, “ I’m praying for you”, especially after hearing me share my views on eternal matters, she wouldn’t argue but would just let me know that she was praying for me.

Reflecting now, I fully understand what the paralytic man must have felt, to have his friends carry him, lift him up, risk themselves, and wait for him until he met Jesus and was capable of walking by himself. That is what my friend did for me, and not just her, but over the years I became aware of others who were also praying for my salvation. What a priceless display of friendship! 

I have purposed in my heart to be that kind of friend to as many as may need me. I encourage us all today to do the same, remember that our greatest friend, Jesus, also bears us up daily, carries us when we need Him to, and never gives up on us. That is the kind of friend we need to be to someone.

Read: Proverbs 17:17; Mark 2:1-12; John 15:13
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 20:15-24; I Corinthians 14:1-19; 2 Chronicles 10; 2 Chronicles 11; 2 Chronicles 12

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