A Virtuous Wife is a Blessing to a Man – Part 1

A Virtuous Wife is a Blessing to a Man – Part 1

Proverbs 12:4 (KJV)

“A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she  that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.” – Proverbs 12:4 (KJV)

A good marriage is one of life’s great blessings, but a strained one can be a curse. A man who marries a supportive woman will be strengthened by her love rather than weakened. He might even say, “She makes me feel like a king”. Hence King Solomon’s statement in Proverbs 12:4. The Bible, in Proverbs 31, defines a virtuous woman as one who leads her home with integrity, discipline, and more. All virtues she practises aim to improve her husband’s life, teach her children, and serve God.

Wives do not abdicate your responsibilities to your husband. Do not be the catalyst to catapult him into the arms of the home breakers, intent on destroying marriages. They are everywhere – at your husband’s place of employment and/or business, in your neighborhood, and in churches where you fellowship (the tares), waiting on the opportune time to strike. Some, if they are successful in luring your husbands into adulterous affairs, may not want to replace you as a wife, but instead, they are content to enrich themselves by being an economic parasite that drains the financial resources from the family unit.

Addressing a Family Forum, Dr. Myles Munroe informs wives that they need to be a helper and encouragement to their husbands. He said that there are times when men share their visions with their wives, and some wives act as a source of discouragement by pointing out all of their deficiencies and altogether destroying their dreams. Moreover, some husbands are afraid to go home instead, stopping off at the pub and spending hours with ‘the brothers’, who must encourage them to develop the courage to go home and face the one who discourages them. He alluded to Proverb 21:9 (NIV), which states that it is “Better to live on the corner of the roof than to share a house with a quarrelsome wife.” Dr. Myles concluded by saying that wives should make the home such a haven for their husbands that they are anxious to reach home.  

Beloved, if you are not flowing in the role of a virtuous wife because of pride, rebellion, and/or unforgiveness, you need to repent, or God will hold you accountable. 


Heavenly Father, Creator of the institution of marriage, we lift wives who have submission issues with their husbands and have acted as a source of discouragement to the vision of Your priests. Some have dishonored, disrespected, and embarrassed the husband, in the presence of his children and others, by highlighting his weaknesses and shortcomings. We repent today and pray for forgiveness. Bring healing to the divide that has caused the husband deep emotional and spiritual hurts. We pray for total restoration of families, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: Genesis 2:25; Proverbs 31:10-11

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 37:10-20; Luke 5:17-32; Numbers 16:36-50; Numbers 17; Numbers 18

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