Allow God to Lead – Part 2

Allow God to Lead – Part 2

If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed.”

Deuteronomy 8:19 (NIV)

The Bible does not give us any reason to doubt that Noah’s wife did not accept that her husband was to take the lead role and that she was required to be supportive. We don’t even know her name, but her importance must be recognised. She conducted herself in a manner that allowed Noah to minister unto the Lord. Could you imagine Noah working every day and not having meals, clean clothing, and a conducive environment after a hard day’s work? A wife should be in place to provide a caring, understanding, supportive environment.

Noah had three sons who were married. The Bible account never mentioned that Noah was distracted by any negative behaviours of his children or daughters-in-law. The earth’s inhabitants did offer opportunities for unwholesome behaviours, but the young people stood firm despite the temptations. Noah’s obedience to God was enabled because the other family members relieved him of whatever duty he performed for the family before he received his assignment. What a display of unity that gave strength to every family member.

We can conclude that Noah had a testimony in the home and in the community. This aspect of family life is sadly lacking. We must remember that our actions speak loudly. Our words may never be heard. Noah and his family paint a beautiful picture for us to admire and replicate. All things are possible when we allow God to lead. His plan has not changed. Let us pray that the foundation of families will be built on the Rock, Jesus Christ. Thank God for men who rely on Him for guidance and ask for more to follow their examples.

Read: Joshua 24:13-16; Ephesians 5:1-3

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 6:20-29; Mark 12:28-44; Leviticus 13

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