As a Christian

As a Christian

Acts1:8 (KJV)

…and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.– Acts1:8 (KJV)

I am mandated by the Great Commission, and having experienced God’s saving grace, His miraculous provision, and His manifold blessings, I feel compelled as well, as it is an awesome privilege and blessing to be able to tell others about the goodness of God (John 4:28-30). The beautiful thing is that I get to do this based on my experience and relationship with Him, as well as from being a part of the family of God.  

To list the things God has done for me may seem quite overwhelming, and even a little far-fetched to the person who does not know Christ. At the very least, my words may be greeted with a heavy dose of skepticism. So how does one get over God’s wonderful message of salvation and be an effective witness for Christ? The following three steps become very important:

  1. Praying for the person(s) you want to witness to
  2. Befriending the person (this sets the stage for ‘witnessing’)
  3. Asking questions which will allow the person to open up and share what is happening or has happened in their life.  

Based on what is shared, one will be in a better position to point out instances of God’s goodness and mercy in that person’s life; and moreover, point out how living for Christ or committing one’s life to Christ would lead to an even more fulfiling and purposeful life. You can now share your own story, which may not be viewed as being far-fetched, given their own individual experiences. 

Being an effective witness requires empathy, (you must have passed that way, or have knowledge of things that happen along life’s journey), living a consistent and Christ-centered life, being humble, and most of all, a deep abiding passion to tell others about Christ. Remember, God empowers us all (Matthew 4:19), and the Holy Spirit is faithful to help us (John 16:7).

Friends, a life with Christ is a life of new beginnings, a life filled with hope, and endless possibilities. Go and tell someone, be an effective witness for Christ today!

Read:  Isaiah 6:8; John 4:41-42

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 89:1-8; Romans 8:18-39; Hosea 10; Hosea 11:1-11  

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