Be a Wise Steward – Part 1

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it…” – Psalm 24:1 (NIV)

In Genesis 1, God calls humans to fill the earth (multiply), subdue or bring it under control, and have dominion (rule) over all living creatures on earth, including those that fly and those under the sea. This dominion, however, is not meant to be self-serving or tyrannical, i.e., unfair and cruel use of power over other people. 

The fact that God created the heavens and the earth means that our lives are stewardship. We must be responsible to maintain everything He has given to us with His protection,  and keep it beautiful in the eyes of others so they themselves can follow that path. A faithful and wise steward is one who seriously takes the opportunity to wisely manage or invest their time and talent into God’s work here on earth. The idea of caring for all resources that God created, all humans, animals, and the land, is a gift from God.

The parable of the talents (a large amount of money) in Matthew 25:14-30 speaks of this gift. Three persons were entrusted with monies based on their abilities. It was not theirs, but rather, it was a gift to be managed for a particular time. Two were greatly rewarded because they used what was given to them wisely, doubling what they had. The third buried his, claiming that fear prevented him from investing or using it. All was taken from him, and he was condemned. Thus, we learn about faithfulness and how a true son of the Kingdom should act during the absence of his/her master, in our case, God, i.e., how to use the gifts God has blessed us with to serve Him in His kingdom.

When we look at the word talent, it can also describe a person’s natural abilities, gifts, or calling. These provide paths to view and use what God has entrusted to us, which will enable our thoughts and priorities to be focused on Him while providing tools that will meet our needs and bring Him glory. With this, a good steward should also recognise their role and step up to their unique responsibility. 

Additionally, 1 Peter 4:10 says that each of us should use whatever gift we have received from God to serve others as faithful stewards of His grace. Thus, we are encouraged to use our diverse gifts in service to one another, reflecting God’s manifold grace and, thereby, glorifying Him.

Read: Psalm 24:1; Luke 12:42-43

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 115:12-18; Philippians 2:12-30; Jeremiah 2:31-37; Jeremiah 3; Jeremiah 4:1-9

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