Be a Wise Steward – Part 2

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have to serve others,  as faithful stewards…”  1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

A good and wise steward in ancient days was a person who was given the responsibility and authority to rule over the affairs of his master’s household, especially when he was not around or even if he was, with regard to function in his master’s place. For example, our forefather, Joseph, became a steward over Potiphar’s household. He managed everything with authority (Genesis 39:1-6).

Faithful stewards remain faithful through all situations, faithful and loyal to Christ in everything entrusted to them. These two things must always be at the forefront of a steward’s thoughts:

   1. Self-control, which is a fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:23) and

   2. Self-examination (Lamentation 3:40).

Additionally, we should always rely on the Holy Spirit’s help to be good stewards.

In biblical days, God called Noah to build an ark to save all species from the imminent great flood. Noah was given specific instructions, and he demonstrated responsibility by following all the instructions given by God. We must accept responsibility when we’re called to the Kingdom of God. It portrays good stewardship. For instance, Moses guided the people of Israel from Egypt through the wilderness (Exodus 12:50-51), while Gideon’s account teaches us to value quality over quantity (Judges 7:7)

Thus, for the principles of stewardship, we should be concerned with:

  1. Who is the owner? (God)
  2. Who is responsible? (Accountability)
  3. Who will be rewarded? (Us)
  4. What to do with our entrusted gifts? (Steward and Share)

Remember, each of us is blessed with a gift (talent), a natural ability, or a calling, and these gifts have principles attached to them. We must use them to enhance our lives and those around us. We must steward wisely what God has entrusted to us since everything belongs to Him. This will bring Him glory. 

Brethren, one day, we will all have to stand before God to give an account of all our talents and how we used them. It is our responsibility, therefore, to manage well all that was given to us here on earth. Every life has a purpose, and we must understand that our lives are not our own. They all belong to God. 

Read: Titus 1:7; Luke 16:2

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 116:1-11; Philippians 3; Philippians 4:1; Jeremiah 4:10-31; Jeremiah 5

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  1. Elaine


  2. Elaine

    Amen. Hallelujah

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