Be Wise, Be Harmless

Matthew 6:6 – But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. NKJV

During our study of the book of Nehemiah, we have come to realise that there is a place for silent prayer. 

In Chapter 2:4 we have the first reference that does not indicate that Nehemiah left the King’s presence. This should remind us of the wall of Jericho. The strategy applied was one that came directly from God. The Israelites were told to march around the wall in silence for six days. This speaks of self-control, obedience, determination and positive thoughts. There was a war to be won, a city to be taken. The war continues.

War is raging in homes, workplaces and schools. There is however, a place for silent prayers in these places. We have done this in communities while walking, riding or travelling in vehicles. Let’s identify areas that must be targeted and plan a specific route as we move and pray. Pull down, root up, apply the blood of Jesus, cast out diseases, remove obstacles and claim peace in the environment. This must be a daily commitment. There must be proper timing. The Holy Spirit will do the Supernatural. Try it! I can testify that it works! 

Matthew 10:16 admonishes us to ‘…be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.’ Let’s apply that wisdom as we wage warfare.

Read: Joshua 6:1-16
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 17:1-5; Matthew 19:1-15; Job 4; Job 5; Job 6; Job 7

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