Behold Her

Behold Her

Luke 7:42-44 (NKJV)

“…which of them will love him more? Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.”…you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head.” – Luke 7:42-44 (NKJV)

It’s amazing to what lengths people go to be seen nowadays. Social media is replete with luring posts that show videos and pictures and even use filters- all to be seen. Visibility is also good business, mind you. With enough people following you on social media, you can be described as an influencer and earn from monetising your account. 

Let’s take a look at our proximal environment on a daily basis. Some people go the extra mile to ensure they look their best daily for work, and admittedly, some overdo it sometimes. There are hairstyles and makeup that require time, energy, and creativity, usually daily for some – to make that impression or to maintain that consistent quality of excellence in appearance – and for others to feel confident and to be seen. 

What about those who work in silence, those who prefer to work in the background? Some people do opt to shy away from the limelight; some may be introverts, preferring to be seen in recognition of their work and their sacrifice. 

The woman captured in Luke 7:36-50 was seen as a sinner who was unwelcome to enter the house of a religious leader and unworthy to eat at the table with guests. Some of us can relate to this, whether in part or in whole. People see us based on our past mistakes. People may look down on us because of our economic situation. We may not be invited to sit at specific tables because of our family background. 

Behold the woman in this account. She chose to defy the public perception and expectations to meet Jesus. She humbled herself and was broken in His presence, worshipping Him at His feet. She sacrificially outpoured expensive fragrant oil to anoint Jesus’ feet. 

Jesus saw her. 

The woman we celebrate today reminds us that our worship and sacrifice unto God is not in vain. God is not ignoring you, my sister. He sees, and He knows. He sees your late nights praying as well as studying. He sees you giving your all. He sees you standing up for what is right. He sees your heartache and fears. Just like the biblical account of how Jesus demonstrated His power to forgive this woman’s sins, thereby changing her story, Jesus is still able to forgive you and me and to change our story for His honour and His glory. Trust Him.

Read: Psalm 62:5; Luke 12:40

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 65; John 12:12-36; 1 Samuel 8; 1 Samuel 9; 1 Samuel 10:1-8

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