Called to be a Disciple

By their fruit you will recognise them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes…?” 

Matthew 7:16 (NIV)   

How do you know a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? In the Bible, Jesus had twelve disciples who followed Him. Let’s look at three of whom He called to follow Him and their character. 

Simon Peter was a fisherman with the tenacity to weather the storm of the seas and apply the same to life’s challenges. Jesus, the all-knowing One, called him to be one of His followers (Matthew 4:18-20). Another is Matthew. He was a tax collector who worked for the Roman government of the day and was despised by his own people because of his dishonesty. Thirdly, there was Nathaniel, a man known for spending time in the Scriptures, which was part of his Jewish culture. Nathaniel was seated under a tree when Phillip shared Jesus with him. In those days, when men sat under trees, it suggested that they were in prayer and reading the Scriptures.

Each disciple had a different personality and background, yet when Jesus said, “Follow me,” they left everything behind. Their communities knew them well — Peter, the determined fisherman; Matthew, the once-dishonest tax collector; and Nathanael, the sincere seeker of truth. Imagine the surprise when people saw them following the Messiah! Jesus is still calling people today, not because they are perfect but because they are willing. He doesn’t require a flawless person — just someone ready to trust Him and grow spiritually. 

You might wonder, “Why me? I’m not good enough.” But in Jesus’ hands, your life is never meaningless — He makes all things new. No matter your past or struggles, He can turn your mess into a masterpiece. The disciples weren’t perfect by human standards, yet when they encountered Jesus, everything changed. They realised He is “…the Way, the Truth, and the Life…” (John 14:6), and they chose to follow Him. 

Jesus didn’t call them because they were qualified — He called them so He could empower and transform them. And just like them, you have a purpose in Him. He is still calling today. Will you trust Him to lead you and make your life something greater than you ever imagined?


Heavenly Father, I recognise that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and I am really in need of a Saviour. Please come into my heart and make me one of Your servants. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Read: Matthew 9:9-13; John 1:43-51
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 37:10-20; Luke 5:17-32; Numbers 16:36-50; Numbers 17; Numbers 18

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