Celebrate Life

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also his offspring.’ Acts 17:28 (NKJV)

Heart awareness month is celebrated in February each year with the aim of promoting health and wellness. Today I am so grateful to be alive and well, I am thankful that my heart, an organ about the size of a fist, is functioning – pumping blood to deliver a continuous supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain and other important organs. As a tripartite being (spirit, soul, and body), even as I celebrate life physically, I reflect daily on the condition of my heart spiritually. 

I thank God for the personal relationship I have with Him. This relationship is very important because it guarantees eternal life with God my Father in Heaven when this physical heart stops beating. We must not only celebrate in this life, but we must live so that we will make it to Heaven to celebrate with our Lord and Saviour eternally.

As you awake this morning to the dawn of a new day, thank God for your physical heart, and also pay keen attention to the condition of your heart spiritually. If you have already accepted Jesus, do all that is necessary to maintain your walk with Him, and if you have not accepted Jesus repeat this prayer sincerely and He will hear you – Lord I come to you today recognising that I am a sinner who needs to be cleansed and forgiven because I have sinned, wash me with your precious blood and receive me as your child today, in Jesus name, amen.

Now celebrate, you have a brand new heart spiritually!

Read: Jeremiah 29:13; 17:9-10; Psalm 51:10; 1 Samuel 16:7

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 5:15-23; Mark 6:7-29; Exodus 29; Exodus 30

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