
for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” – Luke 19:10 (NKJV)

Celebrations are wonderful events. We celebrate notable occasions like a baby’s birth, someone’s birthday, a milestone event, someone getting married, obtaining an academic achievement, etc. Even in death, we celebrate the life of the person who passed, or at least we should.

We just witnessed the most celebrated holiday in the world. Christmas. Billions of people of diverse cultures gather for this year-end event. It is said that businesses make the most money at this time, while people generally spend most of their money. The festivities are grand. Relatives connect and/or reconnect from miles across the globe. It is the happiest time of the year for most people. It is definitely the most highly commercialised event of the entire year, but with all the hustle and bustle of the season, we need to remember its significance.

Christmas is about the birth of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. The Messiah, the most Powerful Name in Heaven and Earth. He is the essence of the Christian’s joy, hope, and peace in this troubled world.

When William Chatterton Dix wrote the lyrics for the carol “What Child Is This” in 1865, an important question was being asked. Can you say what kind of child Jesus was? He was conceived and born not of man but by the Holy Spirit. He was a very special child, one of virgin birth, who did not receive any special treatment at all but was a child of purpose – a purpose He fulfilled. 

His birth was no accident. He was born in a manger but grew up to be great among the nations. He is the Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. As stated in Matthew 1:21, the plan was that He would save His people from their sins. He is alive today to do just that. 

With every Christmas season, let us hold Jesus in His esteemed position as Lord and Saviour, Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace in our lives. May we never forget the reason for this season. May we forever enjoy all our Christmases and not ‘Xmases’ with whatever time we have left on the earth. Those of us who know Christ, let us draw others to Him through our lifestyles as we seek to expand the kingdom of God wherever God has placed us. Let us always place Christ at the center of every Christmas.

Read: Isaiah 7:14; Malachi 1:11

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 150; Revelation 22; Nehemiah 13

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