I thank my God every time I remember you. 4. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5. because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus – Philippians 1:3-6 (NIV).

Achievement is good, it is part of God’s design for human beings, so surely it ought to be celebrated. 

Many today are becoming immersed in a culture that values achievement, often at the expense of relationships. However, the Bible presents an alternate view. Recognition of achievements in the story of God are seen through a broader lens. How can we celebrate achievements in a way that is not individualistic, and keep it in the context of a relationship with God and others? The best way to think about celebrating achievement is through thanksgiving and praise. 

Thanksgiving simply acknowledges that God is the source of all good things, that He has given the gifts, the opportunities, and the results. He has brought good things out of our feeble, imperfect efforts.

Praise declares God’s goodness and acknowledges the goodness of His deeds. It is the perfect companion to thanksgiving because we rejoice in who God is as well as what He has done for us.

In Philippians 1, Paul gives thanks for the community and their ongoing faithfulness to God. He expresses confidence that God will continue to work through them and recognises that the completion of that work belongs to Christ Jesus. 

How can we use this as a model for celebrating the achievements of children and families? It is God who 

has gifted people, gives us opportunities to use our gifts, and uses our works of service for the sake of others, then it follows that when some good achievement arises, we ought to give Him thanks and praise. If someone (children, families, colleagues, etc) has achieved something great, we should celebrate it, and give God the glory. 

Not so long ago my son wrote his first major assessment which allowed him to graduate from elementary/primary school to Secondary school. He was awarded the top school in the country, “the Queen’s College”. Boy! We were so excited for him, we took him to dinner, not to celebrate him, but his hard work, his achievements and to thank God for what He has done for him. It was God who kept him and blessed him with the ability to succeed. 

Today God has done so much for you and through you, He has made you the head and not the tail. Praise and thank Him, for He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion. 

Let us celebrate achievement in a way that honours God and those through whom He works. 

Read: Esther 8:11-17; Esther 9:13-23
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 18:16-24; Matthew 22:15-46; Job 30; Job 31; Job 32

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