Choose Whom You Will Love – Part 2

Choose Whom You Will Love

John 21:15 (NIV)

‘…Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”

John 21:15 (NIV)

Today, we spotlight the question posed by Jesus to Peter. This spotlights our choice of loving Jesus versus “these” other things that distract us. We can reflect on this question of love asked thrice and the command given to feed His lambs, look after His sheep, and follow Him (John 21:15-19). In following Jesus, we have some signposts:

  1. Failures of Love – Failures in life are often from a choice of love, the pursuit of a relationship (s), material things we cannot afford, or those other gods we ought to seek deliverance from.
  2. His Claim Upon Our Love – Jesus demonstrated agape love – deep, unselfish, and totally sacrificial – on Calvary. Peter, in his response, referenced phileo. Like Peter, we sometimes forget and walk less confidently when navigating decisions about relationships, service, money, and how we care for ourselves. Remind yourself today that you are treasured by God, and all the earth is His.  
  3. “More than these?” – is an acknowledgement of things competing for our hearts. Peter had professed an unfailing devotion (Matthew 26:33-35), yet Jesus knew the denial would happen thrice. Our denial is expressed in secular jobs consuming our time, pursuit of wealth, social circle, family affection, or specific personal relationships, which lead to worry, anxiety, fear of loss, and fear of not measuring up. Jesus is  seeking our attention by asking the question thrice – “Do you love Me?”
  4. Love must prove itself – We must confess what we profess, and this is why every response from Peter was followed by a commission: “Feed My lambs…Take care of My sheep…Follow Me.” Our confession must be excellence in service to Christ.

Let us pray today that we will both profess and confess our love for Jesus:

  • He Who created you and called you
  • He Who teaches, leads and restores you
  • He Who heals our diseases, pains, and broken relationships
  • He Who has promised us a treasury of abundance to be able to give to the poor
  • He Who is beautiful, perfect, glorious, and altogether lovely
  • He Who is faithful
  • He Who has granted us Eternal Life!


Read: Matthew 6:24; 1 Peter 2:9

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 24; Mark 5:21-43; Mark 6:1-6; Exodus 27; Exodus 28

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