Christ for Every Crisis – Financial Challenges

“But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19 (KJV)

Beloved, going through adversity such as a financial crisis, feeds into our inability to pay our monthly utility bills, food bills, insurance, bank loans, and many other expenses. Many of us who find ourselves in this financial quagmire, may have lost jobs, experience closure of business, experience bankruptcy, experience investment loss in the financial market, and so forth, and are devastated. Instead of diligently seeking Jehovah Jireh’s divine intervention, however, many lose hope and allow the demonic spirit of depression, suppression and oppression to take possession of their lives.

Brethren, to surrender to the crises is a faithless action that displeases God. Hebrews 11: 6 states, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Trust God, He has given us the keys to His Kingdom which allows us to tap into the bank of Heaven for any spiritual, physical, or material need – Matthew 16:19.

As Christians, we will face various crises. However, none of them can overcome the blessings of God over our lives unless we allow it. Be informed that God permits us to face battles in our Christian walk and the hardships and conflicts we go through are all part of our Master’s plan to bless us.

When trials come through the crises, let’s not adopt the ‘stiff-necked syndrome’- meaning that we become stubborn and rebellious instead of humbly trusting God and leaning not on our own understanding. Saints of God, in order for us to break through we have to go through praying and believing in God.


Prayer warriors, let us pray a prayer of faith believing God for liquidating all outstanding debt. Let us layout all credit card debt, delinquent taxes, utility bills, and all other papers representing our indebtedness before God, and boldly declare: On the authority of Your Holy Word, I call these debts paid in full! In Jesus’ name. 

Debt, I speak to you in Jesus’ name: Be paid and be gone! Liquidate and cease to exist! I thank You, God, by faith and now declare that all my debts are paid in full, cancelled or dissolved in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Read: Matthew 16:19; 2 Kings 17:39Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 69:29-36; Acts 1:23-26; Acts 2:1-21; 2 Samuel 5:6-25; 2 Samuel 6

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