Christ the Bread of God and Man

“For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” John 6:33 (NIV) 

Jesus is the Bread of life and explains that we need the true bread from heaven for our spiritual survival. In the Holy Bible, the Scriptures tell of two types of Manna, both from God. In the Old Testament, we have the physical manna: the edible manna the Israelites ate in the desert, while in the New Testament, we have the second type of manna: the Bread of life, Jesus. The first manna was provided in the wilderness to meet a physical need, but most importantly, it foreshadowed the most important manna from heaven: Jesus.

The Creator (Elohim) knew that mankind needed not a temporary but a permanent solution to our need for spiritual bread and, as such, provided by way of Jesus’ ministry on earth and through His death and resurrection. 

Jesus’ life was like refined flour, perfect in its whiteness. Pilate testified to this (Luke 23:4). As fine flour, He was tested, and He was the same everywhere. There was no irregularity; everything was pure. The leaven of sin was not in Him. 

The Lord Jesus had no sin, yet He suffered for sins. He was betrayed by His disciple and sold for 30 pieces of silver and a kiss. Peter, one of His key disciples, denied ever knowing Him three times. The Jews whom He came to bring the message of salvation had Him arrested with false testimonies. His agony was so severe that he sweated blood (Luke 22:40-66). He was found guilty on baseless evidence and handed over for crucifixion.

He was mocked, beaten, and had a crown of thorns rammed onto His head, causing profuse bleeding. His body was scourged with thirty-nine lashes from a whip with sharp metals on the end of each tail. In the midst of all this agony, He remained the same pure, unchanged, and unchangeable One. It is important to note that our lives will not be ‘good’ to others until we ourselves have passed through the testing fires.

Brethren, Christ, as the “Living Bread,” is always fresh in the eyes of God. The story of the Gospel may appear old and even time-worn to many, but to the awakened and hungry soul, it is fresh bread from Heaven. As we celebrate His death, burial, and resurrection, be aware of the fact that we cannot keep bread fresh if we live on the bread of old experiences. We should have a daily renewal (Ephesians 3: 16-20 – NIV).

Read: John 6:35; Psalm 37:25Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 9:13-18; Luke 16:1-18; Deuteronomy 21; Deuteronomy 22

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