Christ the Mediator

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3: 16 (NIV)

Celebrating in the Christmas season is by far no ordinary celebration. People go all out; paint their homes, purchase new appliances and furniture, etc. In all the frenzy, however, we must remember the reason for the season as Isaiah 9:6 states,” For unto us a child is born, unto us a son, is given…”. He is our mediator, the bridge between God and us. He intercedes on our behalf. 

This season is a reminder for us to show gratitude and remember Jesus’ purpose. It is a season of gifts and most times a gift is something that you work for and earn by merit. But in Luke 2:10-11 we read that the greatest gift ever given brought “good tidings of great joy” for all people, and significantly, it never mentioned working to earn it. He loves mankind. 

Jesus is the place where the LORD God meets with man. It is because the veil was torn that we can enter into the holy presence of the Lord – Matthew 27:51 (NIV). We can now go boldly before the throne of grace and have perfect access to God because of this mediator, Who can be found referenced in every book of the Bible. For example:

  • Genesis – Creator & Promised Redeemer
  • Exodus – The Passover Lamb
  • Leviticus – High Priest
  • 1 Samuel – All in one, He is the Prophet/Priest/King
  • 1 Chronicles – Son of David that is Coming to rule
  • 2 Chronicles – The King who reigns Eternally
  • Job – Mediator between God and man
  • Daniel – The stranger in the fire with us
  • Zephaniah – The Warrior who saves
  • Zechariah – Prophesies, a Messiah pierced for us
  • Malachi – The Son of righteousness who brings healing
  • Matthew – The Messiah who is King
  • Mark – The Messiah who is a Servant
  • Luke – The Messiah who is a Deliverer
  • John – The Messiah who is God in the flesh
  • Acts – The Spirit who dwells in His people
  • 2 Thessalonians – our returning King
  • 1 Timothy – Saviour of the worst sinners
  • 2 Timothy – Leader of the leaders
  • Philemon – Our Mediator
  • Hebrews – Our High Priest
  • 1 Peter – Our hope in times of suffering
  • 2 John – God in the flesh
  • 3 John – Source of all truth
  • Jude – Protects us from stumbling
  • Revelation – King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End, One who makes all things new, etc.


Lord, thank You for sending Your son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and allowing us the opportunity to choose this priceless and eternal gift of salvation, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. 

Read: Luke 2:6-7; Luke 2:8–14

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 31:21-31; Revelation 21; Nehemiah 11:22-36; Nehemiah 12


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