Christian, Believer, Disciple – Which One Am I?

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13:35 (NKJV)

I feel as if I’ve found a treasure in a haystack. It’s an account that spans eight verses, Acts 9: 36-43, but for me, it speaks volumes. I’ve often heard of Tabitha and the miracle of her being raised from death. Tabitha, translated, is Dorcas. The account introduces her as a disciple. It was the only time in the New Testament that the Greek word, Mathetria, was used. This says, to me, that Dorcas was unique.

A disciple is described as a dedicated follower of Jesus whose purpose is to imitate His life, share the Good News of salvation, and live a life that others can emulate. Dorcas did well by using her gifts and material possessions to provide necessities for the needy. She possessed a selfless spirit and made her ministry a priority. Her Christ-like character influenced the lives of others in such a manner that when she died, the absence of her light in the community was immediately evident. 

As an act of faith, witnesses were sent for help. When the apostle Peter arrived, he was greeted by a group of widows weeping and displaying the garments made for them by Dorcas. Jesus’ teachings and mentorship surfaced, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, a miracle occurred. Peter prayed, and Dorcas received life again, causing even more, to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

What can we learn from Dorcas’ life?

a) The pulpit does not have space for everyone

b) We can be salt and light anywhere and every time

c) Our Christ-like character and influence are needed in ‘our world’

d) Those who you help may not be able to help in your time of need

e) Jesus remains our present help

Dorcas was privileged to be able to help widows, the depressed, and those marginalised. She left a legacy. As disciples, we must go beyond faith and become Jesus in the flesh. Follow Dorcas’s example. 


Thank You Lord for choosing me. I recommit my life to You as I endeavour to be a disciple. I want to be an agent of change and influence the lives of others for good. Thank You for the gifts that You have placed in me. Let me use them to bring glory and honour to You. Help me to make my lifestyle speak louder than my words; in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: Matthew 25:35-40; James 1:27

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 11:9-18; John 4:1-26; Judges 1; Judges 2:1-5

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