Communion With God

“The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom…” – 2 Timothy 4:18 (NIV)

To be a believer is an honour and a privilege. It means we have been chosen by God Almighty, the Creator of everything. Just imagine the God Who spread out the heavens, filled the oceans, carved out the mountains, and created everything else, has called us out and separated us unto Himself.

We, a broken people who dwell in a broken world, can come into the presence of a Holy God because of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. As believers, we have been redeemed, i.e., brought back into that intimate relationship with God our Father, which was lost because of sin. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “God made Him (Jesus) Who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”

As believers, we have access to God Almighty through our prayers because we have been washed with the blood of Jesus and clothed in His righteousness. God Almighty knows our name; He knows our voice, and He inclines His ear toward us when we call on Him in prayer. Thus, we have that intimate communion with Him through His Son Jesus, as led by His Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit Who guides us as to what and who to pray for, when to pray, and how to pray.

In John 17:6-26, we read the prayer that Jesus prayed to God, His Father, for His disciples and all those who believe in Him. We, in turn, have the responsibility to pray for others to bring them into this awesome relationship that we share with our Heavenly Father. We also have the responsibility to pray God’s will for our home, church, community, nation, and the world.


Father God, I acknowledge the importance of prayer in my life as a believer. I repent of prayerlessness for those times of drought when I did not pray. Give me the desire to be like Your Son Jesus, to always be in prayer. Let prayer be second nature to me. Help me, as I read and meditate on Your Word, to accumulate a reservoir of prayers that I can use, in season and out of season. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Luke 22:40-41; John 17:20

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 7:10-17; Matthew 8:23-34; Matthew 9:1-13; Genesis 21; Genesis 22; Genesis 23

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