Controlling Your Thoughts

“O Lord, You have searched me and known me.” – Psalm 139:1 (NKJV)

We would throw open the windows and doors to let the breeze in and cool down the place that has become unbearable. We only wanted the cool breeze, but guess what else came in through the open windows and doors? The dust, the flies, the mosquitoes, the bugs, and all other things which we have no control over.

Now, let us apply this open-window and open-door concept to our minds. Pause for one moment and visualise it. There is no mesh to filter what passes through the openings as our mind wanders for ‘cool breeze.’ In came fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, depression, and the list goes on. We rush to close the windows and doors, but foreign matter is already trapped inside. 

The preferred state of mind to be in when these thoughts rush in is to be so filled with the Word of God, overflowing with praise and worship that there is no room for them to settle. This mental state will create such a hostile environment for whatever comes in that they will seek a quick exit. Your mind should be like a hot oven where wrong thoughts cannot enter and survive.

However, the other state to find oneself in is where the thoughts that enter through the open windows and doors float around unhindered, becoming comfortable and eventually taking up residence. Reject these thoughts immediately, or they will rapidly produce an infestation. 

The fantastic news is we are not alone in our thoughts. The Word of God says He knows our thoughts before we think them (1 Chronicles 28:9). Isn’t it comforting to know that our God, the Creator of everything, knows our thoughts, and He would not gasp in shock nor be surprised by them?

Our Father loves us. He will not condemn us. He will not make us feel ashamed. He will gently lead us and guide us by His Holy Spirit to wash our minds with the blood of His beloved Son, Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the mind of Christ, and continue the process of renewing your mind daily with His Word. Ask for the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn up all the thoughts that are not of Him. He is faithful and just to forgive us of all our sins and to cleanse us of all our unrighteousness. 


Father God, I thank You that You are my God. I thank You for calling me out and separating me for Yourself. Thank You that I am never alone, and You know my every thought. Thank You for giving me the mind of Christ through Your Holy Spirit. Help me to apply  Your Word, washing my mind and making it hostile ground against thoughts that are not of You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Philippians 4:8; 1 John 1:9

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 37:21-31; Luke 6:12-36; Numbers 21:4-35; Numbers 22:1-20

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