David – The Legend Giant Killer

“…You come against me with sword and spear and Javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty…” – 1 Samuel 17: 45 (NIV)

The scene was set for the sixteen or seventeen-year-old David’s rise to prominence after God rejected Saul as King.

He (God) sent the Prophet Samuel to Bethlehem, at the House of Jesse, to anoint one of his seven sons as the new King. When Samuel saw the sons, he assumed the Lord would choose either Jesse’s oldest son or one of the other six that were paraded before him initially. God rejected them all.

It is interesting to note that Samuel was looking for someone of great stature, but God informed him that while man looks at the outward appearance, He looks at the heart. The Prophet instructed Jesse to send for his youngest son, David, who was tending the sheep at the time. God confirmed that David, the youngest, was the one to be anointed as the future leader (1 Samuel 16:1-13). The Bible records that from the day David was anointed, the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on him, while an evil spirit tormented Saul after the Spirit of the Lord departed from him. 

Young people, you must know this. God always provides an occasion for your access to promotion. The Scriptures record that Saul’s attendants not only diagnosed Saul’s problem but provided the solution – David, who played the lyre, could play and ward off the evil spirit that tormented Saul. Only God!

Because of this access, David was able to petition King Saul to fight Goliath, the champion of the Philistines army who openly defied the army of the living God. When King Saul questioned David’s credentials to fight this Giant – a warrior from his youth, David gave King Saul his resume, informing him how the Lord assisted him in defeating the lion and the bear, and he knows the Lord is with him now (1 Samuel 17:33-37)

Young man and young woman, as you go out into the world:

  1. Believe God is always with you.
  2. Choose to do battle fight with your weapons (David chose his sling and stones instead of King Saul’s armour).
  3. Fighting with your weapons, for example, the Bible and Prayers guarantee success. (David killed the giant and caused the Philistines to run away, gaining victory for his king and nation (1 Samuel 1:48-53).
  4. Never underestimate yourself and your own capabilities. Matthew 19:26 (NIV) says, “…With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
  5. Seek to possess the attributes of bravery, courage, and true faith in God, and you will be victorious in all of your godly endeavours (Matthew 17:20).
  6. Learn from Goliath’s proud and boastful attitude. Pride always goes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).

Go and lead faithfully!

Read: Daniel 1:8; 1 Timothy 4:12

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 59:9-17; John 6:60-71; John 7:1-13; Judges 12; Judges 13

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