“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…” – 1st Peter 2:9 (NIV)
In a spiritual context, “destiny helpers” are individuals believed to be divinely positioned to assist someone in reaching their predetermined goals or purpose in life, often through connections or opportunities. As Destiny Helpers, God will strategically place us in someone’s life to help them achieve their God-given purpose or destiny. Destiny helpers are used as ladders to catapult other believers to God’s provision of blessings and sinners to receive deliverance, healing, and salvation.
Disciples of Christ, God expects us to warn sinners about the fiery pits of hell, hence saving their souls from eternal damnation. God, in Ezekiel 3:18 (ESV), states, “If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.” Our mandate is clear. We have no business being judge, jury, and executioner by refusing to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those persons who are wicked.
Jonah was a reluctant Destiny Helper who refused to travel to the city of Nineveh to share a message of God’s forgiveness if they should repent from their wicked ways, but instead disobeyed God and travelled in the opposite direction. He did not want God to spare the lives of the Nineveh citizens. God, however, intervened as only He could and redirected him via a huge fish to the shores of Nineveh, where he delivered God’s saving message to the people (Jonah 1-4). Do not be a reluctant destiny helper.
The Holy Bible is replete with accounts of God using destiny helpers to fulfill the mandate of His servants. Elijah lifted up Elisha (2nd Kings 2:9-12), teaching and mentoring him to become a powerful prophet. Eli raised Samuel in the ways of the Lord, preparing him for his important role of being a Prophet of Israel (1st Samuel 1:21-2:11). Jonathan was David’s Destiny helper when King Saul was trying to kill him (1st Samuel 20). The Israelite slave girl was used to cure her master, Naaman, of leprosy (2nd Kings 5:1-14).
Beloved, it matters not what rank, class, and/or status we have in society God can use us as a destiny helper in the lives of the poor and powerless and the rich and powerful. He has called all disciples to be destiny helpers in a cruel, selfish, self-centered world. His commission in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8 mandates us to be agents of change. Would you heed the call?
Read: Proverbs 2:8-9; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 37:21-31; Luke 6:12-36; Numbers 21:4-35; Numbers 22:1-20