Discipleship is a Process – Part 1

“So Elijah went and found Elisha son of Shaphat plowing a field…Elijah…threw his cloak across his shoulders and walked away…” – 1 Kings 19:19 (NLT)

The Israeli rabbis developed their understanding of discipleship from the Scriptures in the Old Testament/Torah. Among others, they studied the relationship of two men – the prophets Elijah and Elisha.

Elijah, one of Israel’s greatest prophets, is known for the amazing miracles he performed. Two of these miracles are the raising of the dead and calling down fire from heaven to defeat false prophets (1 Kings 17:22-23; 1 Kings 18:25-38). But despite the powerful way God used him, Elijah had his low moments, allowing his adversary’s threat to overwhelm him (1 Kings 19:1-10).

After one of these moments, God spoke to Elijah, instructing him to anoint Elisha as his successor (1 Kings 19:19-21). Elisha followed Elijah closely, learning not only academics but also receiving personal transformation.

A disciple grasps the full significance of his teacher’s impartation through close association with his rich and profound mind. Elisha’s goal was to become like Elijah and much more (2 Kings 2:9-10).

The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) clearly state that this is the kind of relationship Jesus had with His disciples. They followed Him everywhere, and as they did, their hearts were challenged and changed as they learned.

Eating with tax collectors, the disciples would have been considered scandalous. Sharing a meal was considered a sign of wholehearted friendship and peace – so how could righteous men sit at a table with the worst of sinners?

Jesus constantly surprised His disciples, both by His works and by His actions. He challenged their way of looking at God and at others. Here, He was welcoming sinners into His Kingdom and associating with people that other teachers would normally scorn. 

The changes that Jesus worked on in His disciples’ lives did not come instantly or even easily, but they were influenced for the better.

Beloved, who do you want to shape your life? Place yourself under the transforming influence of Jesus Christ in order to be shaped by Him and become like Him.


Heavenly Father, draw me closer to You, igniting my heart with Your fire. Help me to sit at Your feet and learn more about You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Read: Luke 9:62; Luke 14:28
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 7:21-27; Luke 3:23-38; Luke 4:1-13; Numbers 11:4-35; Numbers 12; Numbers 13:1-25

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