Divorces Within the Family Tree

Thou shalt not commit adultery.” – Exodus 20:14 (KJV)

Adultery refers to the act of a married individual having sexual relations with someone else other than their spouse. I once accompanied a Pastor to consecrate a newly built house in a certain village. While at the home, a young man in his mid-twenties introduced me to his fiancée, informing me of their intention to get married. The young man confessed that he was both fearful and apprehensive of pursuing marriage since his grandparents, parents, and one of his siblings’ marriages ended in divorce, and as such, there were no examples set before him of a good marriage.

I recognised that there was a generational curse of divorce in the young man’s family tree and prayed with him to break that family curse.

Betrayal of any kind hurts, but the worst kind of betrayal is the betrayal of a spouse or close friend. Vito Rallo, author of the book, “Breaking of Generational Curses and Pulling down Strong Holds,” discussed the question of co-dependents which he defines “as one who has let another person’s behavior affect him or her, and who is obsessed with controlling that person’s behavior”. He further stated that co-dependent behavior of addictions, sexual disorders, eating disorders are also showing up in children who come from divorced homes, and deception, abuse, neglect, and manipulation have scarred their lives. Rallo declared that these scars, these characteristics, these strongholds, are passed down to succeeding generations unless they are recognised and broken.

Beloved, God created the sacred institution of marriage. It is a dangerous act to enter into the Sanctuary before God and man, and in the presence of witnesses, enter into a life covenant to love each other, forsaking all others, until death do you part, and then entertain adulterous relationships. The consequences of such betrayal have adverse generational consequences.


Heavenly Father, grant us the strength to hold fast to our vows. Help us to resist temptations and gravitate to the covenant we made with You and our spouse. Lord, I repent and ask for Your forgiveness (if you have broken this vow). Please help my spouse to forgive me. Let the healing process begin my God, and destroy the generational curse that was compounded by my actions. 

Teach us to love the way we should, with patience and kindness, forgiveness and grace. And help me not to break my vows again. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen!

Read: Proverbs 6:32; Matthew 5:27-28

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 83; Acts 28:1-16; 2 Kings 19:14-37; 2  Kings 20

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