Dont Give Up: There’s More to Your Life- Part 2

Don’t Give Up: There’s More to Your Life
Psalm 30:5 – KJV

For His anger endures but a moment; in His favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

(Psalm 30:5 – KJV)

In retrospect, I thank God for allowing His Holy Spirit to speak to me that dreadful day when it seems that all was lost, and I was being prodded to walk in front of that truck. I thank Him for giving His angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways (Psalm 91:11). With strength from God, I returned to the classroom for another year, dedicated myself to study, and eventually excelled when I wrote the same examination for the second time. What is important to note is the fact that: life is a journey and we can learn valuable life lessons along the way, especially in tough times.

I learnt the following which is applicable to all mankind:

A) Things will not be perfect all the time and this is something that we all have to live with and remain strong, 

B) Our first attempt at something must never be our final attempt

C) In Christ we are stronger than we think and we can achieve much

D) We must stand firm on the promises of God in spite of how things may look because He determines the final outcome.

E) We have to face the consequences of every decision we make. 

I was sixteen years old at the time and as a teenager, my relationship with the Lord was strengthened because of the situation that occurred in my life. It is important for everyone to have a testimony, sharing our experiences and how we overcame them. This causes others to identify with us, and at times this serves as an avenue for doors to be opened for us to share the Good News that Jesus Christ saves, heals and delivers.  Let us learn to embrace every crisis that occurs in our lives knowing that our victory is sure.

Read: Genesis 3:1; John 1:4-5; Romans 8:37Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 71:19-24; Acts 6; Acts 7:1-19; 2 Samuel 15:13-37; 2 Samuel 16:1-14

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