Drawing Nearer to Each Other

“Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” – 1 Timothy 5:8 (NIV)

Parents, it’s vital that you talk with your children. Ask them about school, social life, spiritual development, and all that pertains to their well being. etc. Talk with them. Even as they grow older, you can still call, text, or write them a letter. Don’t badger or annoy them, but make contact. Engage them in conversation and bring in spiritual thoughts but not in a demeaning or condemnatory way. Put forward words of encouragement. Tell them you’re praying for them. Pray with them on the phone or in person. Prayer helps your children know that you rely on God, and modelling prayer tells them they too, need to rely on God.

Show your children that you appreciate them and that they are unique individuals. Give them direction toward something of eternal worth, both personally and for their life’s work. A huge factor in affirming and valuing our children is telling them you believe in them. Many people lack self-worth today, so tell your children you believe in them and are proud of them. Take every opportunity to find a reason to affirm them; all the way throughout their life. And ensure you point them to the Lord as the source of all good things. Guide them in this direction, and you both will gain.

Plan far in advance for special family activities whether it’s a picnic, a family night at home, or taking your spouse to dinner. If you’re not intentional about creating activities, you’ll go through life without much interaction within your family. Plan family vacations together, allowing everyone to help plan that happy time. Avoid stress-filled events with no time to enjoy each other. Be the family God wants you to be by lovingly drawing nearer to each other.

Read: Hebrews 10:22; James 4:8

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 32; Mark 15:33-47; Leviticus 23; Leviticus 24

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