Evangelism Code

“…If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them.” 

Luke 6:29 (NIV)

I don’t know about you but the above Scripture are some harsh words to hear. Downright ‘hard’ words. What exactly is the best way to respond to that disabled person at the corner with signs written on torn pieces of cardboard? What is the best way to respond to that homeless person you pass daily on your way to work? What is your response to that lady begging in the streets to take care of her children? What is your response to those children with no clothing? Have you ever asked yourself how much you are influenced by your own self-interests? Oops! But for sure there are times you said things like, “It’s mine! I’ve worked hard for it; I’ve earned it!” But, read this carefully, Jesus calls us to witness through our generosity – He said, “do to others as you would have them do to you.”

You have learned, in fact, we have all learned that ‘random acts of kindness’ and serving the “least of these” in our communities are powerful ways of validating the Gospel. As a matter of fact, THAT IS THE GOSPEL! The Gospel is a combination of both the Word and the corresponding deed. 

Now, how can we begin? We must begin by understanding that we are the custodians of the blessings God has permitted us to have. Everything we are, everything we have, belongs to God. When we come to this awareness, it is followed by the trust that God is our Source, our Provider, and that He will provide for all our needs.  He is our Jehovah Jireh!  With that understanding, sharing becomes an act of trust in God. It is a privileged opportunity where we get to experience God’s generosity to us. 

It is a blessing to share. If you haven’t done it lately or at all, give it a try and experience that blessing. There is so much joy in giving to others. And remember it is even more so a blessing to give when our right-hand does not know what our left hand is doing – Mathew 6:3-4.

Let’s join Jesus in His mission. As you give, as you generously share, you will discover Jesus Christ in those moments as well. 


Heavenly Father, forgive us for being selfish. You know the times we have deliberately ignored the hungry, the poor, the disabled, the hurting people who have crossed our paths. May we receive a spirit of discernment to know how to share Your love to others daily. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Read: Matthew 25:34-46; Luke 6:27-31 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 40:1-8; Luke 8:40-56; Luke 9:1-9; Numbers 31:25-54; Numbers 32

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