Faith, Courage, and Obedience

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act  in order to fulfill His good purpose.” 

Philippians 2:13 NIV

Deborah is regarded as one of the most influential women in the Bible. What has made Deborah so significant is the fact that she was appointed a prophetess and a judge in Israel, during the period when only men were appointed to such positions. She was introduced after Judge Ehud died, and the children of Israel returned to following false gods, leaving God to allow their enemies to triumph over them (Judges 4:1-4).  

Deborah had a very close relationship with God and listened to Him in spite of the fear and oppression that surrounded her. She fearlessly delivered God’s message to Barak (Judges 4:6-7) and even agreed to accompany him when he balked at the task (Judges 4:9).  

What can we, as believers, learn from Deborah? Deborah was in unchartered territory, taken out of her comfort zone (wife and mother) and put under the spotlight. Nevertheless, she made herself fully available to do the work of the Lord, which required great faith, courage, and obedience.

Faith and Obedience – Deborah was in an unusual position. She could have decided to tell God that she was a woman and that it was not her place to do as was asked of her. But she chose to follow God faithfully. She knew that her God was consistent and would do as He had done several times before (Judges 3:9-10 and 3:12-15).

Commitment and Courage – Deborah was fully committed to God and willing to serve. She did not hide behind the cloak of being a woman but showed great commitment to being a Judge.  She was willing to work with others to accomplish God’s purposes. Courageously, Deborah went into battle with Barak, confident that God would give them victory. This led to a song of praise and worship being raised to God for that victory (Judges 5).

We learn from Deborah that we do not always have to know all the details. We do not have to understand why; we just need to have faith in God, listen to His voice, be obedient, and watch Him work the situation out for our good and His glory. Deborah was an ordinary woman who allowed herself to be led by God and so became a very influential leader, full of wisdom and courage, at a critical juncture in Israel’s history. 

God saved/called each of us for a specific purpose (Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 2:10). After this brief insight into Deborah’s life, are we ready to accomplish God’s specific plans for our lives? 

Read: Romans 2:13; Hebrews 11:8

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 77:1-9; Acts 15:1-21; I Kings 9:10-28; I Kings 10; I Kings 11:1-13


  1. Elaine


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