Faith is Accompanied By Deeds

“In the same way, faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead” – James 2:17 (NIV)

Dead faith is counterfeit faith. It is a kind of faith where one acts as if he/she has faith with the hope that the same will be activated. Nevertheless, it is crystal clear that that kind of faith cannot and will not please God. As such beloved, praying without faith cannot produce any fruit. Attempts at spiritual warfare may result in the ‘seven sons of Sceva’ experience (Acts 19:13-16), and receiving healing may be non-existent. 

It is interesting to note that in the case of the ‘seven sons of Sceva’, their father was a Jewish Priest. They knew of The Lord Jesus Christ and of the Apostle Paul. However, none of them were known by the demonic spirit and were battered accordingly, so much so that they fled out of that house “naked and bleeding”

The lesson here, beloved: You must have your own personal relationship with God by faith. Your faith must not be based on what men say or do but on what you believe about Christ. It is important that the demonic principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness in this world (Ephesians 6:12) know you have a relationship with God. Dead faith produces dead results; as such, they (the sons of Sceva) were dead for their trespasses and received their just compensation.

Saints, if our faith is real, we will produce good fruit worthy of repentance (Luke 3:8). Good works are evidence that our faith is genuine. No one has to motivate sincere Christians to do what the Holy Spirit is already urging them to do. If our faith is dead, it will be obviously by a lack of good fruit and an abundance of selfish thoughts, cruel words, and immoral deeds. If there is a lack of faith in your life and you need God’s intervention, repeat this prayer:

Heavenly Father, as I look to You, I recognise my sinful condition. I desire to love You with all my heart, obey Your Word, persevere in confidence, and do the good works that You prepared in advance for me to do. I declare that I am saved, and I am Yours. Do Your good and pleasing will in and through my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Read: Proverbs 5:22; James 2:14

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:105-112; Titus 1; Jeremiah 52


  1. Jacqueline Jones

    I have great and concrete faith when I prayed. Why must we who are believers wavered in our prayer . Every thing we ventured out to do is by faith in the creator. Sleep,walk, talk sit on a chair etc etc is by faith.

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