The Pastors’ Wives at First Assembly of God Wortmanville meet occasionally for fellowship and staying connected. The ladies use their shared connection to acquaint themselves with each other, providing a forum for welcoming new sisters, and helping one another in their role as support for their husbands in ministry and Kingdom building. They operate with quiet fortitude under the leadership of our First Lady, Elder Hermonica Angela Massiah. These ladies hosted their Annual Christmas Presentation this past Monday evening in a virtual setting, complete with toasts, DIY décor, appetisers and a full programme celebrating the birth of Christ. Did we say virtual? Yes! All done via ZOOM and co-chaired by Minister Norma Singh and Minister June Ann Lee. It was just as joyful as their previous session chaired by Minister Hazel Jackman. After the opening prayer by Minister Glynis Ferrell, there was a chorale of ‘Angels We Have Heard on High’ with voices spanning the oceans from Georgetown to Geneva and from West Coast Demerara to Atlanta. Maryland featured as the home base from which our First Lady executed with her usual flair.
Pickles and Communal Pots

Minister Lorraine Belle stirred up the Christmas spirit with demonstrations of an appetiser made from sandwiches, salad, cherry tomatoes and a glass of her favourite Christmas drink. This was a good reason to dust off the cookie cutters. Wine glasses topped, the ladies were then regaled by Elder Rochelle Semple with a poem and instrumental. The inclusion of music in her artistic presentation gave a hint of her husband’s ministry while Minister Naudia John soloed ‘The Glory of Christmas.’ Pickles and holiday door décor (or swag) were in the mix as our Amerindian heritage and influence were celebrated with a menu of multiple ways to plate farine, by Minister June Ann Lee. This segment was topped off with greetings from Minister Pauline DaSilva and her reflection of Christmas in the village of Aishalton, South Rupununi. Sidebar – The Amerindian villages in Guyana still participate in the village hunt, which creates much excitement for the children, who look forward to partaking in the communal pot that follows the hunt. This truly echoes the way our fellowship and communities should live in and out of the Christmas season.
The Glory, Wonder and Miracles of Christmas
Minister Norma Singh, the multi-talented teacher extraordinaire, reminded us of the ‘Miracle of Christmas’ in poetic style that was just as intriguing as the account of Christ’s birth by the lovely Minister Dianne Hermonstine. ‘The Wonder of Christmas’ was why they gathered, and Minister Karen Assanah showed her repertoire in the spoken word by honouring the theme, while Minister Tracy Benjamin reenacted her wedding vows as a timely reminder. This was an apt lead up to the weightier but interactive presentation on the ‘Fidelity in the Clergy Marriage’ by Minister Shevone Corbin, assisted by two teams of ladies, dubbed Myrrh and Frankincense, who certainly brought flavour to the discussion.
Min. Lorraine Belle displaying her DIY decor – door swag Sample of appetizers Eld. Deborah Hutson and Min. Tiffani Thompson giving a preview of their ministry
The curtain could not come down without a dance by Lady Deborah Hutson and Minister Tiffani Thompson to notes from the song ‘Christmas Day’ which seeks to call believers to a place of celebration, rejoicing and singing in this season. The ladies closed fellowship with prayers that God would remain the centrepiece of their marriages. We wish to express our thanks to God for our leading Lady, Elder Hermonica Angela Massiah, who remains a fountain of mentorship of women (and men) in the faith. Kudos to her for her leadership!