Father Abraham

‘The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you…and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” – Genesis 12: 1-3 (NIV)

Whenever Abraham comes to mind, we immediately associate him with being the father of faith due to his unwavering dedication and devotion to God. At the age of seventy-five, Abram (as he was known then) received a unique and unconventional call from God. It was a call to abandon everything he knew and follow God’s guidance. Terah, Abram’s father, took him, his wife Sarai, and his grandson Lot to Haran (Genesis 11:32). Terah was originally on his way to Canaan but chose to settle in Haran instead, where he continued idol worship. 

In contrast, Abram embraced the call from God and promptly obeyed. He recognised that this was a distinctive summon from God in his life. Although this God could not be seen or physically felt, Abram believed in His existence, and his actions reflected this faith.

The call and promise revealed the true and living God working in Abram’s life. Despite his father’s beliefs, Abram, as the head of his family, had to make different decisions concerning his calling, his family, and, most importantly, his faith and trust in Jehovah God.  

Here we are, in the middle of 2023, which feels like it only began just moments ago. Time is swiftly passing, urging us to contemplate what God is saying to us at this very moment. The call of God was directed to Abram, and he received both the call and the promise. Abram acted upon it and chose to leave everything behind, pursuing the purposes that God had set for him. Although it might have caused concern among his family members to follow him, everyone around him ultimately benefited from God’s blessings and witnessed his transformation through a name change: Abraham, the father of many nations. 

I ask you: What is your name? How is God calling you to fulfill His purposes in your life? As you reflect on your journey with the Lord today, remember that same call. Do not settle for a life of comfort, akin to Terah’s settling in Haran, but instead strive for the land of promise, Canaan. 


Father, today as I reflect on my faith walk may I continue to pursue my purpose as Abraham did with complete obedience and faith. In Jesus’s name, Amen. 

Read: Genesis 11: 27-32; Joshua 24:14

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 13:20-25; Proverbs 14:1-4; John 20:10-31; 2 Samuel 1; 2 Samuel 2:1-7

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