Favour in a Brand New Start

Favour in a Brand New Start

Ruth 1:3 (NIV)

“….No, my daughters. It is more bitter for me than for you, because the Lord’s hand has turned against me!” – Ruth 1:3 (NIV)

We should all keep in mind the account of Naomi and her daughters-in-law. Naomi was going through some bad times. She suffered tremendous loss to her family and it took a toll on her. She was thinking everything was “bitter” for her due to the deaths of her significant others. She only wanted to be left alone and go back to her home city to live as a poor widow. There was no more joy in her life.

After giving it some thought, she reasoned that it was better for  her daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, to return to their people as well, because their husbands (her sons) were  deceased. There was nothing she could do to help. As such, she asked that they return and live their own lives. Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and went, but Ruth decided to remain by her side out of commitment, love and faith in Naomi’s God’s ability to provide.

Life’s trials and tribulations might make us feel despairing at times, and it may appear as though our want for a better life is elusive or our prayers go unanswered; yet God always intervenes just in time to unlock all seemingly closed doors. In the account of Ruth, God used her to favour her mother-in-law. Ruth gave her (Naomi) hope and belief again, took away her desperation and defeatist demeanour.

You too can find favour in Jesus Christ. You too can receive a brand new start from your situation, be it emotional, like Ruth, financial, mental or even spiritual. Come out of your slum and see what God is doing. He is still present today.


Dear God, I’m grateful that you answered my prayers. I am grateful for Your love, which enables us to treat people with compassion even during difficult times. Thank You for being my God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Ruth 1: 6-22; Ruth 3:1-9; Psalm 106:4

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 113; Ephesians 5:8-33; Isaiah 65:17-25; Isaiah 66

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