Fear Not

Fear Not
2 Timothy1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind

2 Timothy1:7 – NKJV

The terrorist tactics of satan are to bring fear upon the saints of God. Whenever fear is in full operation faith disappears. Fear causes doubt in one’s ability, procrastination and Spiritual paralysis in our ministry, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence. Thus, the ultimate goal of the devil is total domination over God’s people.

Brethren, fear is a powerful tool of influence. Satan’s strategy is to make us afraid, thus preventing us from possessing the promises of God. When that spirit-being makes us afraid, we take our eyes off God and focus on the object of fear the devil presents to us. And if we allow that distraction, we will take our eyes off God and His promises. With that accomplished, Satan can effectively defeat us before we can possess our possessions.

Once defeated, believers can become depressed and open to further demonic oppression that keeps them ineffective in the Kingdom of God. That old devil and his cohorts will want to release the fear of rejection, the fear of failure, the fear of embarrassment, and even a fear of fear itself. He sees the power and purpose that God is bringing us into, so he will try to implant a minefield of fear on the frontier of our inheritance.

From the Holy Scriptures, it is evident that even the most seasoned Christians (Bishops, Pastors, Prophets, Deacons, Ministers, etc.) can be a victim of intimidation. It seems that the greater the anointing, the greater the enemy’s effort to terrorise us and bring us to a halt. Remember the great prophet Elijah, who, after slaying hundreds of false prophets and calling down the fire of God, was threatened by an evil queen named Jezebel and he (Elijah) became fearful for his life and ran into the desert (1 King 19:1-3)? 

He became fearful because he took his eyes off God and his God-given Prophetic Ministry and saw only fear. Beloved, God alone is worthy of fear, let us keep our eyes on HIM.


Heavenly Father, You have written in the Bible on numerous occasions that we should not be afraid. This phrase is a daily reminder from You that we should live every day fearlessly. 

So we declare, in the mighty name of Jesus, that we bind the spirit of fear that we allowed to torment us, and cast it into outer darkness and replace it with the pure love of Christ, for “perfect love casts out fear” – 1 John 4:18. Amen!

Read: 1 King 19:1-3; Isaiah 41:10; 1 John 4:18Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 72; Acts 7:20-43; 2 Samuel 16:15-23; 2 Samuel 17; 2 Samuel 18:1-18


  1. Oswald

    Thank you for the encouragement indeed perfect love cast out fear amen.

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