Feeding Our Spirit (Fasting)

Man is spirit and soul housed in a body. Fasting is beneficial to each part of our being. As we begin this new year, let us focus on the spiritual benefits. Fasting is a major self-discipline. One’s mind, will and emotions (the soul) must be given constant checks. The weaknesses of the flesh surface every day, but God gives us strength and wisdom to be conquerors. Denying the flesh what it craves must be accompanied by meditation on the Word of God and prayer. In order for the will of God to be magnified in the eyes of our hearts, our minds must be fixed on God and our emotions brought under control.

As we seek the mind and will of God, our spirit will be fed. Romans 8: 6 tells us: ‘For the mindset of the flesh is death, but the mindset of the spirit is life and peace.’ (HCSB) And John 7: 38 records Jesus’ direct words: He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. (NKJV)

A life connected to the Holy Spirit has the capacity to live an abundant life and speak words of life and peace. This is what the world needs to hear. Do you desire to: understand the  Word of God, hear the voice of God for yourself and be obedient, obtain Godly wisdom, to plan and speak boldly?

Then fast, pray and the Holy Spirit will deliver. He is our Comforter and Guide.

Read: Romans 8:1-17.

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 1; Matthew 1; Genesis 1; Genesis 2: 1-17

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