Four Major Callings

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. 

Romans 11:29 (NKJV)

Answer these four primary callings and the anointing will be activated in your life.

Do you find that you are weak spiritually? Do you find that you are more focused on your situation rather than on God? Do you find that the enemy is taking advantage of you? 

Perhaps you have compromised your faith and as a result, you feel as though God has left you. The good news is God has not given up on you. Hebrews 13:5 reminds us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. While in Joshua 1:5 He says, “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.” 

Our God is a merciful God (see Deuteronomy 4:31). He will not abandon us to the destructiveness of this world, nor will he forget the covenant with our fathers. 

Beloved, God has a covenant with us and because of this covenant, we will not fail. Instead, we will walk in the anointing, we will walk in the joy, peace and the blessings attributed to Him. We are privileged to have a covenant-keeping God and because of this level of honour, we should always live repentant lives so that the anointing can be activated in our lives. 

God is searching for believers who will surrender their body, soul and spirit. We need to get back our spiritual hunger for God. As we answer the following callings the anointing of God will be activated in our lives. 

  1. The first calling: Salvation and Holy Living – (2  Timothy 1:8-9). Accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Recommit your life to Christ. 
  2. The second calling: Call to Intimacy with God – (Philippians 3:10). Intimacy with God speaks of closeness to Him. The spending of quality time in His presence where we labour in prayer, getting to know Him. Only in God’s presence will we find liberty. Away from God’s presence, we will find bondage. 
  3. The third calling: The call to Power and Ministry – (Acts1:8 and Ephesians 5:18-21). We must always be sober-minded, alert to helping each other with the power at our disposition. 
  4. The fourth calling: The call to anguish and suffering. (Philippians 3:10). Anguish means deep pain or suffering. All true passion is born out of brokenness. In the Scriptures when God wanted to manifest transformation. He would seek out a praying man, a man that was broken before Him (Read Nehemiah 1 – Nehemiah MOURNED certain days and fasted. And he prayed before the God of heaven). God found a man that was anguished about the situation in Jerusalem and God used him. 

Are you ready to be activated in the anointing and be used by God? Submit to Him.

Read: Deuteronomy 4:31; Ephesians 5:17-21; Nehemiah 1:4-5

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 14:5-14; Acts 2:22-47; 2 Samuel 7; 2 Samuel 8

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