From Fisherman to Fishers of Men

From Fisherman to Fishers of Men

Matthew 4:19 (NKJV)

“…Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” – Matthew 4:19 (NKJV)

John, meaning God’s grace, was a fisherman in his father’s (Zebeedee’s) fishing business. One day, Jesus saw him and his older brother James mending their nets. He invited them, like Peter and Andrew, and they followed Him without hesitation – Matthew 4:21-22.

John became one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, was the youngest, and was Jesus’ beloved, according to the New Testament. Why was John the most loved disciple? Brothers, he was not obstinate, neither was he weak, but was teachable. Therefore he progressed in learning and was full of faith to accept what he was taught. He was a loyal and sincere friend and a devoted disciple who became an important and incredible member of the church community.

The Gospel of John is the fourth of the four canonical Gospels, and John was one of the three closest disciples of Jesus, along with Peter and James. They prepared the place for the last supper – Luke 22:8. They also witnessed the raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead – Mark 5:37, and were present for the transfiguration of Jesus – Matthew 17:1-11. John was also told to take care of Jesus’s mother as his own – John 19:26-27.

Additionally, John wrote five books in the Bible (John, first, second, third John, and Revelation), displaying his diligence and attention to detail as he spent time with Jesus. Three times in the synoptic Gospels, Peter, James, and John got to witness Jesus’ miracles that He allowed no one else to see. John was the only disciple who was not martyred. He died of natural causes.

Brethren, to be a fisherman for Jesus, we must display the following:

  1. True friendship and devotion to Him
  2. True humility
  3. And develop ‘Holy’ confidence that Jesus will see you through.

When God calls us, we must not delay. He calls us to follow him in humility and service. We must be ready for the task like John and act immediately. John did not look back, and you should not also. 

Read: Mark 9:2-8; Luke 5:1-11
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 15:11-20; Acts 14:8-28; I Kings 8:22-66; I Kings 9:1-9


  1. Mayleen King

    Amen so let it be Lord 🙏

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