From Ziklag to Ephod

“…David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.”

1 Samuel 30:4 (NIV)

Praise God! As I sat here at that time, I did so with a heart hard-pressed, stretched to perplexity and borderline anxiety. However, I took a pause to breathe, and as I did, I remembered David from 1 Samuel 30. Scripture says that he encouraged or strengthened himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6)

The enemy had seemingly stolen David’s joy. His home burned, and those he loved were kidnapped. He no longer had the respect of his followers, and his own confidence was depleted. It seemed dismal. David, however, found strength in the Lord. This statement carries universal implications.

What do we do when calamity takes a liking to us? How do we handle setbacks and distressing circumstances? It would be the aim of the enemy (that serpent of old) to kill our hope, steal our joy, and destroy our faith. “Curse God and die” (Job 2:9) was the advice given to Job, but what a response. What was David’s response? David strengthened or encouraged himself in the Lord;  this strength or encouragement can only be found in one place, and that is in the presence of the Lord. When it is hardest, when it is the least practical thing to do, when all of our emotions tell us to despair, it is then we must command our soul through our spirit nature to do what is seemingly not natural.

In his apparent great loss and calamity, David sent for the priest and enquired from the Lord (Verse 8) about the course of action to take. He obeyed and received unprecedented victory. David did not shy away but was willing to tap into the Lord’s presence for strength and engagement. This is our example. Do not hug despair or slow dance with sorrow, but instead, court joy and praise God until the heaviness is lifted.

I started today with a heavy heart, not knowing where the day would take me, but there is such power in praising God. In the midst of it all, joy found my soul again. Believe it or not, the issues that caused distress are almost gone. Now, what must I do? That’s easy. I will continue to strengthen myself in the Lord, will you?

Read: Psalm 28:7-8; Ephesians 6:10-11

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 21:17-26; 2 Corinthians 5:1-10; Micah 5; Micah 6; Micah 7

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