Generational Blessings

“Give and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over….” – Luke 6:38 (NKJV)

The first word of this verse is “Give”. Most times, we may conclude this refers to finances. I would like to propose that we could give our time, love, and talents to be used by God. 

I interacted with hundreds of children and parents during my career. My posture has always been to do my best to help children, especially those who need attention in specific areas. I never expected any reward from anyone. My success was noticeable, and after some time, I was intentionally appointed to groups of children who needed help to improve their performance. At one institution, I volunteered to remain after teaching periods to help those whose parents agreed. I believe that God gifted me and allowed me to be a blessing. 

The Scripture goes on to say, “…it will be given to you”. What will be given does not have to be gifts or money. I can testify that my “pressed down, shaken together, and running over” was evidenced in my children. I  kept them with me while they attended the primary grades. However, when they graduated to the secondary grades, they were at different schools, but God’s Word never fails. He was with them when I could not see them physically. He continued to watch over them in my absence. 

God placed persons at the four schools who helped to supervise their movements. He had them waiting: someone whom I had taught, a friend from University classes, a sister from the family of God, and a colleague whom I had met in my early years of teaching. This group formed a safety net as they progressed. 

The “running over” is flowing to my grandchildren. Their present safety net is formed by young people whom I’ve had the privilege of mentoring while supervising and speaking positively into their lives, sharing experiences, and encouraging them to improve their academic status. I spoke as if they were my children. The second-generation blessings are being realised as they are being taught and cared for by persons who are grateful.

I would encourage any child of God not to look for the blessings that God would give only in material form. We could miss giving God praise because we are not recognising the intangible generational blessings. Always be mindful of your motives when working with God in His Kingdom. Let all that you do bring glory to God. Never seek to attract praise to yourself. Man can never bless you the way God can. He knows your every need and promises to grant you the desires of your heart as your soul prospers. Don’t limit God. Ask God to open your spiritual ears to hear His voice. Follow His lead and look for opportunities to bless others.

Read: Psalm 112: 1–3; Galatians 3:13-14

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 123; Hebrews 10:19-39; Ezekiel 20:45-49; Ezekiel 21; Ezekiel 22:1-22

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