“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” – 2 Corinthians 9:15 (KJV)
The lyrics of a song by psalmist Saiku Andrews say, “I opened two gifts this morning, and they are my eyes.” In essence, the song reminds the listeners to give God thanks for life. Before hearing this song, while I was very grateful for my eyes, I never thought of them as gifts. Recently, I was in the presence of a visually impaired person, so at different times, I observed their demeanour, and what I saw caused me to engage in introspection and reflection.
The person was so grateful for the opportunity to attend the function and to be in the company of everyone present. She was always pleasant, interacted with others, made meaningful contributions when called upon, and participated in all activities as the rest of us who did not have a challenge with our eyes. Beloved, she could not see with her physical eyes, but she benefited from 20/20 vision with her spiritual eyes; thus, the reason for her exemplary attitude of joy and thanksgiving demonstrated throughout.
She inspired me to continue to serve the Lord and others with gladness despite what may come my way and to ask the Lord to open my spiritual eyes to see everything the way He wants me to see. These two important decisions will help me be joyful and express thanks to God my Father for life and all the blessings He has bestowed on me.
Lord, we are grateful to You for all the gifts You have blessed us with. Open our spiritual eyes so that we will gain insight and see life the way You want us to. Help us to always be ready to enter Your gates with thanksgiving and into Your courts with praise (Psalm 100:4). Lord, help us to mature in our spiritual walk so that we will bless You at all times. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.
Read: Psalm 111:1; James 1:17
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 27:15-22; Hebrews 11:1-16; Ezekiel 22:23-31; Ezekiel 23
Powerful! John 9:39 Jesus said for judgment I have come into this world ,so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind .thank you Lord hallelujah for coming. Amen