Giving Thanks: The First Fruits

“and now I bring the firstfruits of the soil that you, Lord, have given me.”…Then you…shall rejoice in all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your household.’ Deuteronomy 26:10-11 (NIV)

As we come to the end of one year and embark on a brand-new year, we are filled with all kinds of possibilities and expectations. In our Scripture today, we read of bringing the first fruits of the soil to the Lord. This initial giving of firstfruits when Israel came into the Promised Land was an appropriate way to say “thank you” to The LORD. This giving, and all giving, done with the right heart, is a proper way to worship before The LORD your God. 

Bikkurim (Hebrew: בכורים, /bɪˌkuːˈriːm, bɪˈkʊərɪm/), or first-fruits, are a type of sacrificial offering that was offered by ancient Israelites (and still practised today). In each agricultural season, the first-grown fruits were brought to the Temple and laid at the altar, and a special declaration was recited. Therefore, as we complete one year, we are aptly reminded to bring our firstfruits to the Lord as a ‘thank you’. What better way to end one year and enter the next.


In the Old Testament, God commanded His people to give the first and best portions of the harvest as an offering to Him. This included grain, olive oil, new wine, honey, sheep wool, fruit, and even their herds and flocks.

By giving the firstfruits as an offering to God, the Israelites acknowledged that all the harvest — in fact, everything they had — came from God and belonged to Him. The offering of firstfruits was likewise an expression of faith that something else – the harvest of the rest of the crop – would come later. Therefore, the firstfruits offering acknowledged God’s ownership of everything, expressed thankfulness for His provision, and anticipated what was to come.


Paul also said we “..have the Spirit as the firstfruits…” (Romans 8:23 – HCSB). The Holy Spirit, therefore, is the foretaste. He is God’s promise to us as believers of a Comforter until He returns.


Additionally,  Jesus is “..the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Paul was drawing an analogy between the Old Testament offering and Jesus’ resurrection. The Old Testament’s first fruit symbolises the harvest that was to follow. In like manner,  Christ’s resurrection is our assurance that all believers have a larger harvest yet to come as we become partakers with Him.

So, we give God thanks for one year gone, and we give thanks for the coming year as we draw closer to Him, offering our firstfruits. Be blessed in this new season.

Read: Exodus 23:16; Nehemiah 10:35 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 150; Revelation 22; Nehemiah 13 

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