God Answers Our Prayers

And if we know that He hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of Him.” – 1 John 5:15 (NIV)

Our prayers to God give Him the authority to operate on our behalf on the earth. This must be done consciously and consistently. Therefore, as believers, we are encouraged to pray without ceasing.

In the Bible, we see that the patriarch Abraham interceded for Sodom, but there were not even five righteous people living there; the entire city was destroyed (Genesis 18 & 19). Hannah petitioned God for a male child, and God answered her (1 Samuel 1:11, 20). The prophet Samuel offered a burnt sacrifice, and the Philistines were smitten before Israel (1 Samuel 7:7-10). A multitude came up to Israel, defying and mocking God; one hundred and eighty-five thousand of them were killed by an angel (2 Kings 19:35). Israel was delivered.

Brothers and sisters, let us hold fast to God’s Word and watch Him do the miraculous in our lives. His promises are ‘yea’ and ‘amen’ to those who believe. 

The church prayed for the Apostle Peter, who was imprisoned, and he was miraculously delivered by an angel (Acts 12:5-12). Paul and Silas were thrown in jail, but at midnight, they prayed and sang praises unto God. An earthquake shook the foundation of the prison, and all prison doors were opened. The keeper of the prison was saved from killing himself, but immediately, he gave his life to the Lord along with his family (Acts 16:25-34). Prayers can save souls.

Beloved, let us prove God by His Word. Seek Him earnestly and see how He’ll work on your behalf.

Read: Psalm 139:4; Isaiah 65:24

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 17:13-15; Matthew 20:20-34; Job 15; Job 16; Job 17; Job 18

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