God Loves You and Me

For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son…” – John 3:16 (AMP)

This verse reveals the heart and purpose of God. God’s love is wide enough to embrace all persons in the world, Who will have all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4).

God gives us life; it is up to us to accept it. In John 4:1-26, Jesus found time to have a conversation with a Samaritan woman. This reveals His commitment towards mankind and His desire for eternal life for us (Verse 34). We must follow Jesus’ example of love for people since all around us, people are ready to hear His Word. We must find ways to speak to them about their spiritual needs and about Jesus, Who is Love.

The story is told about a woman who was about to give up her family and God. She went to another country, made new friends, and tried to hide in their culture and live their lives. However, God’s love for her was so strong, and she knew His Word. Wherever she went, the love of God was following her. She had no choice but to return to Christ. 

In Luke 15:11-31, we find a similar story about a son who left a loving father, ventured out to a lost world, and had to return. His father greeted him with arms wide open after a life of sin and separation from his love. The sinner and backslider are like the young son pursuing the pleasures of sin away from God’s love, fellowship, and authority. However, the pleasures of sin are only for a time. Don’t let the devil steal all your assets and leave you pitiful and penniless. Stay with your loving Father. 

Friends, Jesus came that we may have life (John 10:10). His truth does not change and provides a sure anchor for our faith. It means that as present-day believers, we must not be content until we experience the full package of God’s salvation. Remember, God loves that stressed mother, that wandering child, that rum-drinking father, and that backsliding believer. God loves you and me.


Heavenly Father, I hallow Your name today. Thank You for Your love and faithfulness towards me. I pray that You will cause mankind to experience Your love and forgiveness in their lives. Use me, I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Psalm 36:5; Hebrews 13:8

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 25:8-15; Mark 7:1-30; Exodus 33:7-23; Exodus 34


  1. Elaine

    Amen. The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases. For this I am thankful.

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