God Never Fails

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:6 (NKJV)

Abraham’s life (Genesis 12-22) is a testament to God’s love and faithfulness. God instructed him to leave his family and begin a journey into a foreign land. Abraham was obedient to God even though he had no idea where this journey would take him, and it was not without challenges as he experienced conflicts with other people, famine, ‘faith-testing,’ etc. 

However, it’s through these experiences that we saw God show up on his behalf and fight for him, even when he didn’t ask. For example, when Pharaoh attempted to take Sarai (Abraham’s wife) in marriage. God showed up on his behalf without him even seeking His help in that situation, and his wife was returned. He was even blessed with more possessions than he initially had due to this situation. 

We see from Abraham’s life that when we dare to surrender ourselves to God, it allows Him to steer us on the right path. Following God’s path always ends in fulfilment of His will and purpose for our life. When that’s accomplished, not only are we blessed as we saw in Abraham’s life, but other people are blessed and benefit from us living out our purposes. 

Abraham didn’t know where he would end up at the beginning of his journey, but at the end of it, he was able to look back on his life and see that everyone of his battles ended in victory and every promise that God made to him came to pass. This is an encouragement for us to allow God to direct our paths so that we may experience His love and faithfulness as we take our own journey. 

God never fails us when we believe and trust in Him. I’ve had my full share of His love and faithfulness. I became a widow at a very young age, left to raise four children on my own. This brought about very challenging circumstances, but it allowed me to experience God’s hand of guidance as He taught me how to navigate the difficulties of life. I witnessed Him showing up for me in ways too numerous to count. At seventy-six years old and counting, I can reflect on my life and say God has been faithful. 


Father, You are the I Am. I thank You for Your love and faithfulness. I pray today that You give us the courage to surrender ourselves to You and allow You to direct us through this journey called life. We give You praise and thanks, in Jesus’s name. Amen 

Read: Joshua 21:45; Hebrews 13:5

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 5:1-14; Mark 2:18-28; Mark 3:1-30; Exodus 21; Exodus 22

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