God Promises Rest in our Sleep

God Promises Rest in our Sleep

“When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.”

Proverbs 3:24 (NKJV)

“I didn’t sleep all night last night!” These are words we have heard before. We may even have said them ourselves, so what a refreshing encouragement is the certainty of God’s words!

In today’s world, when there is so much violent crime and uncertainty around us, we naturally are anxious as we prepare for bed each night. Some of us may have been the victims of home invasions, even though we are children of God. This may make us even more anxious, but as children of God, we can rely on His Word. 

Wisdom, discretion, and faith in God are all we need to stand on His promises. In every promise of God that we claim, we need to remember that they are conditional. As long as we honour our part, God will not neglect His. This has been my experience.

Last year, while building my home, I had to leave my job due to unforeseen circumstances. As a result, for many months, my family and I slept in a house with nothing but a door frame. Having no door was not a barrier to our God, who promised us sweet sleep. Every night I would repeat God’s promises and laugh heartily as I closed the windows. Even when the rest of the family was out and I was at home alone, I was never afraid because His Word kept me.

You may ask why I locked the windows when the door was non-existent. Well, wisdom and discretion. After all, who would believe that I had no door if my windows were always locked? Nightly, God kept us safe and sleeping soundly because we trusted Him. We never lost anything during that period, and I can confidently say that God will continue to keep His Word forever. 

If you find it difficult to sleep, I encourage you to pray God’s promises every night and watch the results.


Heavenly Father, I thank You that I am your child and that You never break Your promises to me. I repent for not trusting You in everything, especially in your protection of my family and our possessions. I stand upon Your Word and declare that I will not be afraid. I will lie down, and my sleep will be sweet, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Read: Leviticus 26:6; Proverbs 3:24; Job 11:19

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 3:11-20; Matthew 19:16-30; Job 8; Job 9; Job 10

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