God Will Always Find You – Part 2

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee…” – Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV)

The Scripture above reminds us how precious we are in the sight of our Father in Heaven. Oftentimes, though, we are lost because of life choices or life events. What keeps us safe is the fact that God never stops searching for us to bring us safely home. However, He doesn’t search for us just to say He saved us. He searches for us so that His purpose for our lives would be fulfilled and so that the world would be blessed.  

Some of God’s greatest servants were found in the most unlikely places. Some examples include:

  1. Abraham – He was found in his father’s home – a home where idolatry was highly regarded. God found him and made a covenant with him. He became the Father of many nations. 
  2. Jacob – found in his uncle’s house, hiding from Esau, his brother, whose firstborn blessing he had stolen. God used him to birth the twelve tribes who became known as God’s chosen people. 
  3. Joseph was found serving a jail sentence for an offence he did not commit. He was used to bring relief from famine and healing and unification of his family, thereby allowing God’s great power and wonder to be displayed in a foreign land. 
  4. Moses was found in the desert of Midian, hiding from the Egyptians. God filled him with His Holy Spirit and used him to lead the Israelites out of bondage. 
  5. David, called a man after God’s own heart, was found taking care of his father’s sheep and was not initially remembered at the future kings’ annointing process. He was used to teach us great life lessons, including the Psalms, which still correct, comfort, and encourage us today. 
  6. Gideon was found hiding and threshing wheat. God called him courageous and used him to defeat the Midianites.
  7. Ehud, the left-handed Israelite judge whom God found and used to deliver His people from the Moabites.
  8. The disciples of Jesus, once seen as outcasts and sinners, but through the Holy Spirit, performed many signs and wonders and brought healing and deliverance to God’s people.
  9. Leah, the unfavoured wife of Jacob, bore Judah, through whose lineage Jesus is named. 
  10. The prophetess Deborah – the only female judge in Israel. She was used to bring courage to the mighty Barak.  

Beloved, it doesn’t matter where we are at this moment; it doesn’t matter whether God empowers us to perform great miracles or the smallest task. What matters is that when we are found, we are willing to answer the call and submit to His will. Will you allow Him to find you? 


Dear Lord, we acknowledge Your Lordship. We know that all things work together for our good according to Your will. We thank You for choosing to use us, so today, we simply say, “Here I am, Lord, send me!” In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Read: Judges 6:13-16;  2 Corinthians 12:9 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 21:8-13; Matthew 28; Exodus 15; Exodus 16

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