God’s Authority on the Earth

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you” – Luke 10:19 (NIV)

Beloved, the aforementioned statement was made by Jesus after the seventy returned from their messianic journey and announced that the devils were subjected to them in His name. The Messiah has given the redeemed authority to destroy the forces of darkness for the advancement of His Kingdom on this earth. 

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word authority as “the power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience”, while trample means to crush or thread on heavily. The snakes and scorpions mentioned in the Holy Bible are modes or forms of manifestation of satanic powers. Jesus’ statement did not finish there, He continued by saying, “and to overcome all the powers of the enemy,”: meaning that it matters not the various rankings of demonic principalities and satanic emissaries we may encounter in spiritual warfare; Jesus has given us the powers to overcome them.

We must not allow the devil, the enemy, to cause all kinds of disruption and problems in our lives. Let’s keep him where he belongs – under our feet and crush him (Romans 16:20). As soldiers of the cross, let us maintain battle formation and march forward, lifting our feet high, pounding them down as hard as we can, and stomping all over the devil. He is a destiny destroyer who is hell-bent on stealing, killing, and destroying what God has intended for us.

The glorious truth, however, brethren, is that Jesus already completely destroyed satan’s power over us through His death, burial, and resurrection. The devil was utterly smashed, crushed, and bruised when Jesus was victoriously raised from the dead. Our God-given mission now is to reinforce the victory already won and to demonstrate just how miserably defeated satan already is.

Never forget – the only place that rightfully belongs to the devil is the small space of ground right under our feet. Jesus accomplished a complete and perfect work through the cross of Calvary and His resurrection from the dead. This reality means that our healings, miracles, and financial blessings already belong to us. The victory is already ours. Stamp the devil!

Read: Daniel 7:14; Romans 16:20

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 100; I Corinthians 12:27-31; I Corinthians 13; Song of Solomon 5; Song of Solomon 6; Song of Solomon 7; Song of Solomon 8 


  1. Simone


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