God’s Blessed Assurance

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful”

Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)

A friend of mine who is both a Christian and a Life Insurance Sales representative informed me that he is always apprehensive in approaching Christians to sell Life Insurance policies. The reason is that He is oftentimes told that they already have God’s blessed assurance and, as such, do not need man’s life insurance. After enjoying a rollicking laugh, I came to realise that the aforementioned statement of the saints had some validity. 

Comparatively, with God’s blessed assurance, a one-time premium for our lives was paid with the blood of Jesus. The blood premium provides coverage before we are born and during our life span while guaranteeing eternal life once we remain faithfully obedient to Him.

With man’s life insurance policy, we pay the monthly premiums, and depending on the type of policy, we may either choose to receive a pension for a number of years or preferably a lump sum payment. It must be noted that if we die, our beneficiaries are in receipt of our hard-earned investment. 

However, there are many assurances from God, and they are as follows: salvation, receiving the Holy Spirit, peace, answered prayers, joy, victory, the forgiveness of sins, guidance, spiritual and physical healing, deliverance, favour, protection, promotion, provision of good health and enormous wealth, eternal life, etc. But in order to download the assurance of God’s blessings, we first have to trust Him and call to mind the assurances of His goodness. 

Assurance comes from faith in the promises of God, the testimony of the Holy Spirit testifying to our spirit that we are children of God, and our serious and holy pursuit of a clear conscience and of good works.

Elect of God, insurance is good; however, no amount of man’s insurance can compare to God’s blessed assurance over our lives. We have only to look back at our own lives to see many scenarios where the outcome looked bleak, but God came through for us. It is a fact that we don’t have sufficient fingers and toes to recount the times He delivered us from the many dangers, toils, and snares of the devil. And when He did not deliver us, His grace was sufficient to keep us during that time. Thereafter, we received the victory by placing our faith in Him.

Beloved, we are guaranteed God’s everlasting love. In Jeremiah 31:3 (NKJV), He declares, “…Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.” As the festive season approaches, join me in basking in the loving arms of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Rest assured, He’s got you.

Read: Psalm 20:1; 1 Thessalonians 1:5

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 134; 1 Peter 5; Daniel 1; Daniel 2:1-23

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